Our quality system

Certified know-how in machining and mechanical welding

In order to meet our customers’ requirements, CRM complies with the following certifications:

ISO 9001 : 2015 and ISO 9100 : 2018

Certified ISO 9001 since 11 July 2001, CRM is committed to intensifying its quality approach. The principle of continuous improvement is the unifying element for all our employees.

Our quality objectives are customer satisfaction and the long-term survival of the company.

To achieve these objectives, we have implemented actions such as:

  • internal technical support to better understand and apply our quality system
  • awareness of our teams to our customers requirements
  • regular analysis of all the information to propose avenues for improvement, with a view to capitalising on our experience and increasing customer satisfaction
  • application of improvement solutions that are continuously evaluated
  • to ensure that accounting ratios are maintained

NF EN 15085 Classe 1 CP A : 2007

Intended for manufacturers of railway rolling stock, the NF EN 15085 series of standards “Railway applications – Welding of railway vehicles and components” defines the requirements for the design, manufacture and inspection of welded assemblies, as well as the organisation of welding operations in the company, the qualification of welders and welding coordinators, IWS and IWT graduates.

With this qualification, CRM confirms that continuous improvement is at the heart of its strategy. This certification confirms our skills and enables us to manufacture all types of mechanically welded parts for the railway sector.

In order to satisfy the expectations and needs of its customers, CRM has set up an organisation based on processes, on which its Quality Management System is based:

  • the Management Process, which guarantees the availability of resources
  • the Marketing Process, which guarantees customer awareness
  • the Purchasing Process, which enables the supply of materials and services necessary for the manufacture of products
  • the Production Process, which ensures production in accordance with customer requirements
  • the Quality / Control Process which guarantees the conformity of all our products, the respect of the quality system and its improvement

IRIS ISO/TS22163 : 2017

CRM is one of the first French SMEs specialising in machining and precision mechanics to have received IRIS certification, which highlights the high quality of our products and our teams.


The COFREND 2 Magnetoscopy, Penetrant Testing and Ultrasonic qualifications are additional assets for CRM. Approved by COFREND (French Confederation for non-destructive testing), CRM can carry out magnetic and dye penetration testing of parts itself. These qualifications give us real autonomy and allow us to be more reactive in terms of deadlines.